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Student Portal


Welcome to the Chappell University Student Portal. We have hundreds of trace files to help our students and instructors.


Download Instructions:


Public Google Folder (Updated March 2021)

Click here to access the files on our public Google folder.


FTP or Browser Access (see warning bel0w)



Password:  wireshark2020


Warning: In March 2021, a Chrome update disabled "Enable support for FTP URLs" - if you try using Chrome with this setting - take a trace file! You'll see you won't even send a DNS request to resolve the name. This is a clear sign that your system is blocking access to a target. We've now copied all the trace files over to a Google folder (see above). We think disabling FTP URL support is a good security move, but it caught us/others off guard. Apologies if you hit this issue. 


Questions/access problems? Contact and we'll try to assist a.s.a.p.


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